Monday, April 27, 2009

Bad Toothache. no dentist till Monday. Any suggestions besides pain killer?

I need quick respond on that! Thanks.

My bf has a really bad toothache now, the dentist is not available till Mon. Any suggestions to ease the pain besides pain killer?

Does those toothache pain gel work?

Bad Toothache. no dentist till Monday. Any suggestions besides pain killer?
You can ask a pharmacist what is the best over the counter treatment they have. If there is a lot of redness and swelling, he may have an infection which OTC treatments won't help. If the pain becomes intollerable, have him see a doctor (even if its the emergency room), they can give him an antibiotic to stop the infection and the pain will then stop as well. If he gets a bad infection, it could release toxins into his blood, so its best to have it treated rather than ignored if its very painful and shows inflamation.
Reply:Ambesol, yes it works. Oil of cloves is surprisingly effective. Did he lose a filling? There are temporary fillings in the store--maybe air touching his tooth is causing pain--that's why you'd use a temporary filling. Get him some of that Sensodyn toothpaste and take a finger and set a dab on his tooth where it hurts.

4 Advil, wait 3 hours

2 Extra Strength Tylenol, wait 3 hours

4 Advil, wait 3 hours...

Keep up this pattern until dentist is available.

Hope he feels better!

TX Mom
Reply:Benzodent does work, but there is the trouble of making it stay where you put it.

Try rinsing with warm (Not hot, not cold) water, and with slightly-warmed mouthwash. Also, oil of cloves has been used for a long time to stop tooth pain. If you can't get that but do have powdered cloves of some sort, try that.

Good luck to your boyfriend!
Reply:Orajel Max Strength works good especially when used with Ibuprofen. However you will have to apply it several times because it will wear off and when you are in pain it never seems to last very long.
Reply:Yes the gels do help, but if you can't get any of them, a cotton ball soaked in rum will soothe it. REALLY. Just go easy on the rum, or he could get a terrible headache to go along with it.
Reply:Your best bet would be 600mg ibuprofen (3xregular strength advil or 2xextra strength motrin) every 4 hours and taken with food (or milk if unable to eat). This will keep any swelling/redness/inflammation down. You can also add Tylenol 500-1000mg (1-2 extra strength tab) every 4-6 hours, but taken in between the advil or motrin (so he is taking something every 2-3 hours basically). Any OTC gel or cream will help, but very modestly and for short period of time. His saliva will wash it away after a few minutes or maybe an hour. Often the pain is inside the gum so the topical treatment is often of little help, but safe to use usually. He can keep a hot compress on his face or area of the mouth where it is hurting to help as well. If the pain continues to be very severe I would take him to a local clinic or ER to see a physician.
Reply:orajel works great

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