Monday, April 27, 2009


About a month ago, I was taking antibiotics for an abscess growing under my tooth. While I was taking them, my tooth felt as though it was trying to come out! Well, long after I finished taking the pills, it still felt as though the tooth was trying to come out and it was a bit annoying. So at times, I would try to push it down with my teeth. I think this made it worse because now, there is a ball at the bottom of my gum. It's on my right jaw toward the bottom. I can feel it with my tongue and finger; it feels as thought it gets bigger. What could this be!!?? It really hurts.

Does your Dentist do "on call" service? Sometimes the ER Dispatcher will tell you who you can call..

in the meantime get some extra strenght pain relieving Orojel.. (not sure if I spelled it right) but it's some gel stuff that you put on the area, that takes away the pain.

Take some extra strenght pain killers to get you through the weekend!

But try get in to be seen asap.. you could develop an new infection or the old one didn't quite go all away... and that can be very painful.. if you wait to long!

Hope you get to feel better soon !

cheers :)
Reply:been there...ouch!! get it extracted, or save it with a root canal, which to me is a waste of money.

just get it pulled
Reply:no idea maybe it didn't go away? i would go see a dentist
Reply:I had a similar experience. It's probably an infection, or gingivitis. A dentist can tell you better. You can go to a regular doctor and get some antibiotics to fight the infection. If it's gingivitis, then you may need to see a dentist for a good teeth cleaning. In the meantime, get pain killers, like Tylenol 1's until you get in to see a physician. It'll help kill the pain. Trust me, I've been there. Good luck!
Reply:Sounds like this "ball" is the abcess still there.

Root canal was a waste of time for me as well when this your money and have it extracted!
Reply:It is the abcess, it isn't gone, you need to see a dentist ASAP, it will get worse without treatment.
Reply:Yeah the abscess is still there, just get it remove. However once you get it remove you must still replace that tooth.
Reply:Last winter, one morning I woke up with a lump the size of a golf ball on my face. I had no idea what it was and I was freaking out! It hurt terribly, so I was taking ibuprofen and that was helping. So maybe 3 or 4 days later, I was biting my lip (not purposely, just a habit) and all of a sudden I had this HORRIBLE taste in my mouth, so I ran to the bathroom and turns out it exploded- that's when I realized it was an abscess tooth. So maybe if you're really lucky it will go away? But I doubt it, you should really see the dentist.
Reply:For god sakes go see a dentist ASAP unless you want a nice pair of dentures!
Reply:Taking an antibiotic clears up the infection, but if you don't get a root canal or have the tooth extracted, once the antibiotic is out of your system, the infection comes back. You have an abcess and until you go to the dentist and have something done it won't go away. A root canal is usually the smart way to go if the tooth itself is saveable. Who wants a hole in their smile, or a fake tooth. The root canal saves the tooth by replacing the dead and infected root with a filling like substance, but most of the time the tooth got infected in the first place because of deep decay in the tooth. If that's the case you'll probably need a crown over the tooth once the decay is removed.

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