Monday, April 27, 2009

Minor toothache, can't find reason?

Every now and than I get an occasional toothache thats minor in pain. Ive had toothaches that don't go away %26amp; are severe because the teeth are bad, and had several teeth removed in the past. However these minor aches are nothing like a tooth being bad, as they're minor in pain. They always appear in different teeth (never the same one). However the dentist can not find any reason why I get them. They usually go away in 1-2 days on its on. Any ideas on what could cause them? I got one now %26amp; although they far from being intense in pain, I'm tired of having them, as I usually get them every couple months.

Minor toothache, can't find reason?
Could just be plain old sensative teeth. I have the problem, too. Try pressing a standard (non-coated) aspirin against the affected tooth, or swish a hydrogen peroxide solution around in your mouth, between the affected teeth (do NOT swallow). Instructions will be on the peroxide bottle, but it should the a 50/50 mix of peroxide and water. If nothing else, keep a little whisky or anbesol around the house for such an occaision, but I can tell you the whisky keeps and tastes better.
Reply:If the pain is deep and seems to involve more than one tooth at once, consider sinus issues. Try taking some (real) Sudafed.

If the pain seems to be a contact/surface pain, think sensitivity. Try a toothpaste for sensitive teeth and don't use whiteners, etc.
Reply:Different reasons: old filling, probably cracks deep inside. On top, could be related to sinuses, further back maybe clenching while you sleep. If you don't have a dentist that's good at problem solving, it's hard to figure out. I always say, take 3 tablets of Advil(if you're not allergic) every 6 hours to get rid of the pain and find a dentist that can think through. (ask around)
Reply:Minor or severe can it be, toothaches or shall we say strange pain on one of your teeth or the gum-line is usually the starting point of severe or worst dental problems. Aside from giving you sleepless nights of painful miseries and difficult chewing, it could actually threaten your health. Before it's too late, get dental health care advices and solutions at and free yourself from the dangers of dental problems.

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