Friday, May 21, 2010

30 weeks pregnant and bad toothache?

I have a terrible toothache and didn't get much sleep last night because of it. I can't get into the dentist until tomorrow, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for the pain until then?

30 weeks pregnant and bad toothache?
I had this SAME problem a few weekes ago...(but they couldn't get me in for about 4 days. I lived off off orejel and anbesol. My advise is to put it on the painful spot, let it sit for a minute and then swish it a little. DON'T SWALLOW! swish and spit. I swallowed on accident once and it made me so sick tp my stomach!! BLEH!! I ended up needing a root canal if that tells ya how bad the pain was. Try it...and some tylenol too! GOOD LUCK HUN!
Reply:Tylenol or try orajel.
Reply:the doctors say tylenol is safe... give your dr a quick call and tell them whats going on.. ask what you can take.. they can tell you over the phone
Reply:Can't your dentist see you as an emergency, let him know you are pregnant. Call your OB/GYN and ask him if you can take something for the pain like Tylenol.
Reply:one thing i always say, i would rather have the pain of childbirth than a toothache...try tylenol and put a warm rag on your jaw.
Reply:you r not going to believe this but you need to take calcium ask your Doctor.i bet your not taking your vitamins

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