Can a bad toothache cause blur vision and cause your ear to ache?
Bad Toothache?
bad teeth cause many many problems thruout body.yud b shocked,things like stomach problms,earaches,eyeaches,etc.the poison goes allover yur system and can effect alot of things in body.
Reply:yes it could go get it pulled
Reply:Yes but that is probably sinus problems.
Reply:Yes, it's possible if there is an abscess going on that is getting past the bone.
The only way to know for sure is to have this evaluated by your dentist and if they can't help then please see your primary care physician to see what they think could be causing this.
Reply:Yes it can , especially if the tooth is rotten.. but it may also be sinus or allergies acting up and putting pressure on the tooth. Mine happen to do this all the time. Try using some orajel.
Reply:yes, when i get a bad toothache it makes my whole neck, arm, shoulder and face very weak
Reply:A bad toothache can cause you to have ear problems,but the blurred vision HMMMMMMM.I would consult asap.Anytime your vision is affected is time to go see a medical doctor,you may or may not have an underlying condition.
Reply:Yes It can, you need to get it corrected before it make you do something you won't like........
Reply:jason = the answers to your question is no , i think what you have is a bad tooth abcess , this is caused by inflamation and infection of the pulp of your tooth the symptons you will be getting from this is pain in the tooth or your jaw and also you will start t get swelling and tenderness of the jaw .it sounds to me as if you have got mouth bacteria that will ivade the unheathy tissue .If this pain continues it is going to get worse , and it will lead to the lost of that tooth and be warned here to you might get a bad infection of the bone near the tooth . By the way this is not i repeat not contagious . MY advise to you is to rinse your mouth out in warm salt water . AND only use asprine or Acetominophen for the pain . ON saying this , antibiotic treatment is going to be nececcary. AND if i was in your position jason I would be getting treetment . which will be needed , and you never know your tooth might be saved but remenber extraction of an abcessed tooth is very often required . Also go and get dental care regualy lets say at least once a year , just for a cheek up and maybe a little treatment . hope this has been of some help to you
Reply:A toothache is caused by an infection in the tooth called an abscess. Left untreated it can cause swelling and the bone around the tooth to be eaten away, causing the tooth to also become mobile. I have seen swelling cause an eye to close due to the puffiness in the face and the sinuses could be affected as well, but have never heard of or seen some one complain of blurred vision. Yes, you could also acquire an ear ache because of an infected tooth. Get that tooth extracted or root canaled it will not get better on it's own and you could end up with more problems than just that tooth.
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