Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bad toothache?

My husband has a terrible toothache, he's in very bad pain. Face is swollen. Anything he can do tonight at home? He can't see a dentist until tomorrow.

Bad toothache?
Get some cream to numb it at the store.

Take excedrin pm.
Reply:use orajel
Reply:Tylenol or advil should help as much as possible. Also your full support.
Reply:Yes there is...go to drugstore and get ?? oragel?? it will help numb pain. IF there is a fish/pet shop open, go NOW and get Tetracyclin pills for fish tanks same stuff as for humans, just packaged differently. Have him take 2 immediately, then in 4 hours, another, then as soon as he gets up, another. Then he can see the dentist and get a prescription for antibiotics..but in the meantime, this will get a jump start on the infection...I am NOT him out here! If you have Vicodon, pop 2 of them now also.
Reply:CLOVE OIL - it tastes like crap, but it works. You can get it at most any drug store.
Reply:if you don't have numbing gel put some cloves from your seasonings in his tooth and take some pain killers,and for the swelling put a cold pack on it and that is a sign of a abscess tooth,good luck at the dentist
Reply:if you have a spice called alum you can put it in a coffee filter to make a tea bag and boil it and rinse his mouth with the tea it makes (let it cool a little). if not swishing with peroxide can help too just be careful not to swallow.
Reply:What concerns me is the swollen sounds like he has a infection along with a bad tooth...right now all I can suggest is possibly some Orajel to place on his tooth and something like Tylenol or you have a 24 hour emergency dentist?...or a ER to go to...he may have to go on an antibiotic...don't take any left over antibiotic in your med cabinet because it may not be good, he may have an reaction or it may not be what he needs...good luck...
Reply:I have a friend who had a killer toothache and he went to the ER and they told him until he could get to a dentist to rub crushed up Tylenol all around the tooth , or crushed cloves.
Reply:Take some pain medication they are going to put him on antibiotics you may want to call you family Dr. to call in a script for some so he an start on the antibotics before he sees the dentist. Hope he feels better.
Reply:Best thing that he can do is keep heat off of it!

People tend to put a heating pad on their face, or even stand in the shower with hot water on their face. If there is an infection, the heat will only cause it to grow. The best thing for him to do is obviously see the dentist ASAP. Have him take some Advil, Aspirin or Tylenol to help with the pain. You may want to try applying some Oral Gel on the area. This ill numb the area for a few mins to help relief some of the pain. He can also apply ice to his face. Have him apply it for 20mins, take if off for 20 mins, and then on again for 20. Hope it works out.
Reply:Get to a late night pharmacy and buy Orajel or the store brand anesthetic cream or gel.Have him swab it all around the gum + tooth as often as needed with a q-tip. Also, if you have any antibiotics in the house give him one. The tooth is probably abcessed (infected) and the pill might help with the inflamation. And GOOD LUCK!!
Reply:go to the e.r. or hospitol.they will give him temporary pain pills most likely.clove leaf oil,its in the spice section.they use it for hard tack candy.rub it on with a q-tip
Reply:He has an abcess. If you have any mouthwash or preferably something with higher alchohol content such as scotch, etc., use as strong a mix as possible and thoroughly swish it in your mouth. This forces the alcohol down into the nerve area as well as attacking th abcess. If the abcess is in the lower jaw you can let the mix sit in your mouth over the abcess and repeat as necessary. If you only have acetaminophen with codeine, aspirin etc. then take the appropriate number of pills (one can be placed right on the area inside the mouth). An ice pack or a small piece of ice placed directly on the area (inside the mouth) can also help.

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