I went to the dentist this morning to check out my toothache. He suggested I either get a root canal or get my tooth removed but I can't do it until I've given birth since I'm at the end of my pregnancy. He did some "emergency" work on my tooth which involved drilling n stuff but I don't know what he did. The anaesthetic worked for a while but once that wore off the pain has come back. I can't sleep now because if I lie down my tooth ache comes back. I've taken paracetamol but I really don't know if it does anything. Can anyone suggest anything I can do/take for the pain??
The toothache gets painful to the point where at times I can feel it affecting something towards my ear, or else the muscle on my neck
I've been rinsing my mouth with warm salt water as well to try to dull the pain when it starts again but the effect of that doesn't seem to be working now.
Painful toothache and pregnant?
Gosh, I feel for you. The same thing happened to me, but luckily the pain subsided on its own after a couple of days, and I got it taken care of immediately after giving birth.
I think you're doing about all you can. You can't take anything in your last trimester. Maybe try an icepack on your cheek to numb the pain.
It is possible to get the tooth extracted if your ob/gyn signs a release saying it's ok. He or she can fax it directly to your dentist. You might after search for a dentist that will do it, but they are out there.
Reply:i feel so bad for you, im soo sorry you feel this way...call your dentist asap and tell him how you feel and ask him his best advice im sure he will bring you in and give you another one of those shots...just make sure you eat alot before he does and buy another large milkshake..if you eat alot it may help...just ask your dentist ,he has delt with this situation before and can give you the best advice...feel better:)
Reply:For now try to prop up on some pillows, laying down will only increase the pain. Use either an ice pack or heat, which ever helps ease the pain. You will need to return to your dentist tomorrow for treatment, it sounds like your tooth is abscessed and won't wait until you deliver if your weeks away. Your dentist and OB will decide what is best for you and the baby with this particular situation. Sorry I can't be of more help, I know your in a lot of pain right now but there really isn't anything that I would advise you to take orally for pain since I don't know the pregnancy or the condition of the tooth. Keep doing the warm salt water rinses, that is about the best thing you can do right now. Also and try not to close your teeth together as you would do when chewing or clenching; this tooth may sit higher right now due to the infection elevating it in the socket and your biting, clenching or rocking it is only keeping it more irritated. Your dentist may take it out of occlusion to help control the pain. Good luck with your delivery and your tooth!
Additional information: My suggestion would be to discuss this with your dentist and OB this morning. It's probably advisable to go ahead with the root canal before delivery, or at the very least pulp the tooth to remove the nerve and get you out of pain. An anesthetic without epi can be used to numb the tooth and not effect the baby. You won't be able to take any narcotics but you can take antibiotics which will also help with the pain. You may have some discomfort for another night, but you will have relief from this tooth by the next day from the pulpotomy and within two days from the antibiotics. Call your dentist this morning so he can numb the tooth up and give you some relief for a few hours untill he can discuss this with your Ob. I think the risk of leaving this tooth untreated may be more harmful to you and the baby, than that of treating it now. And yes, any pain medications taken will also be found in your breast milk, so waiting until after the delivery may not be the best choice, you may have to do this without any. I'm sure you can handle that, after the pain you had last night. Good luck!
Additional information: Do try to save this tooth if at all possible; your natural tooth is much better than any option available for a replacement. I hope that you get your dental problem taken care of quickly and as painlessly as possible, also that you have a good delivery and a beautiful, healthy baby. Once again, good luck!
Here is a site that is very informative and may make you understand that emergency dental work can be done during the third trimester. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnan...
Reply:when i was pragnant my dentist give me tynenol 3's. they say that them are safe to take when your pragnant. i would ask my dentist or ob if i were you. my child is fine and she had no side effects of the medication at birth or now.
Reply:For excruciating tooth pain, take a garlic clove. Peel it. Bite down on it with the infected tooth, and hold it there as long as you can tolerate. (If the tooth hurts so bad that biting anything is painful, then slightly crush the garlic clove before pressing it against the tooth.) For the first 30 seconds or so, you'll feel like your mouth is on fire. Try to tolerate the burning feeling as long as possible. When you absolutely can't stand it anymore, spit out the garlic and saliva. You might still feel a vague throbbing sensation, but you will no longer feel debilitating pain. You will feel great relief.
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